高齢者施設に住んでいる認知症高齢者の向精神薬の使用とQoLの関係を調べた論文が、Journal of the American Medical Directors Association誌に採択されました。
We investigated the association between the number of psychotropic drugs and QoL at different stages of dementia. Our results showed the use of psychotropic drugs negatively affected the QoL in older adults with dementia.
This study was one of the international collaboration between IDAC, Tohoku University and University of Bergen. Congratulations Erika!!
Ito, E., Berge, L., Husebo, B., Nouchi, R., and Sandvik, R. (2020). The Negative Impact of Psychotropic Drug Use on Quality of Life in Nursing Home Patients at Different Stages of Dementia: Cross-Sectional Analyses from the COSMOS Trial. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.