Subjective hearing ability study was published in Experimental Gerontology

正常聴力を持つ高齢者の主観的な聴力の評価が、処理速度と視空間認知と関係していることを明らかにしたコホート研究が、Experimental Gerontology誌に掲載されました。



We found the significant association between a subjective hearing ability and cognitive performance. Older adults who feel lower hearing ability showed lower cognitive performances in processing speed and visuo-spatial ability.

Congratulations, Natasha!!

Kawata, N., Nouchi, R., Saito, T., and Kawashima, R. (2021). Subjective hearing handicap is associated with processing speed and visuospatial performance in older adults without severe hearing handicap, Experimental Gerontology, 156, 111614.


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